{Thursday, November 27, 2003 . }

home for thanks... good times... good times... hung out w/ SYLVANA THE GREAT and ALEX THE EVIL on tuesday nite... mmmmm sushi!!!! i definitely miss LA... so i'm definitely thankful to be here.... :-D blah blah blah blah blah... today has been chill... i managed to re-jack up my back!! goooood times!! err... yea.... and i drank coke for the first time in a looooooooooong time and i got royally sick of it.... twas good twas good... uhh yeeeaaa... so i'm just chillin at home doing.... HOMEWORK!! .... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yea... well i had to do it today or else i couldn't go out and play for the rest of this weekend... so here's the plan... i want to go see tupac resurrection!!!! gads!!! and i can't find anyone to go w/!!!!! :'-( so if ya wanna see it... and u read this before this sunday... hit up the cell!! other than that i plan to get majorly f*cked up at a tight ass party tomorrow nite... can't wait... nothing like a whole mess of ppl in an apartment the size of a broom closet!! score! bwahahahaha.... oh well... give me enough drinks and i wont even notice... muahahahaha, damn i just realized i only party when i'm down here in la.... no time for it up at skool!! i'm such a loser!! oh well... thats how it goes i guess... so i'm done w/ finals on the monday of finals week... i didn't kno that was even possible... now i kno it is! i dont kno if i wanna come home then... actually i'm pretty sure i don't... so anyone got any suggestions? oh well... we'll see out that turns out too...

so yea... anyone down here for the weekend... i wanna party like its 1999! :-D so hit up the cell.... yea.. well if this is the last time u hear from me... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! AND! i'm THANKFUL for having you in my life!!!! :-D (corny i kno... but it is turkey day and all...)

u were hit with this at 8:44 PM


{Monday, November 24, 2003 . }

salt on an open wound

so today, while walking back home from psych class... so i'm walking w/ keith and we go by the UU... i see ppl holding these FATTY signs and theres a big crowd... i couldn't quite read the signs... so i got a bit closer... MOTHER FUCKING CHRISTIANS ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! these huge banners said shit like "GOD IS ANGRY AT SINNERS!!!!!" omg.... if i needed a sign that turning atheist was the right way to go... i GOT it right thurr... so that ticked me off... oh well

better news....

i got an A on my philosophy midterm... ! :-D estoy alegre!

so yea... this whole catholicism isn't christianity... so i kinda hoped i was alone in this one... but sadly i'm not... talking to 2 of my friends... they've BOTH gone thru sh*t w/ christians for being catholic.... and last nite i got an interesting story from tray-sheezy!!! sad huh? (nice to hear from u! but sad story!)

Misty12885: dude, just read your blog
Misty12885: i can NOT agree more about that christian thing
Misty12885: the white ppl thing was good too
Misty12885: but dude
Misty12885: i'm just sittin here reading the christian thing goin: YES! EXACTLY!! i don't get it either!!
Misty12885: heehee
Misty12885: just had to tell ya that
Misty12885: cuz i had a little ummmm get together with an old....sorta? friend and she's all "strong Christian" now and she was like: oh yea YOU CATHOLICS believe that as long as people are good, they'll go to heaven...WE know different....
Misty12885: okay who the fuck is "we"?
Misty12885: i'm christian too!!!
Misty12885: duuude!
Misty12885: haha
Misty12885: okay you've heard my temporary ramblings for the night

u were hit with this at 8:41 PM


{Sunday, November 23, 2003 . }

just chillin up here at SLO.... can't wait for thanksgiving!! :-D can't wait to see all of my people again... DIVERSITY!!!!!!!!! JESU CRISTO!!! i need some goddamn diversity!!! i'm surrounded by white ppl (not necessarily bad... but can be), christians (not necessarily bad but USUALLY IS!) and conservatives (ALWAYS BAD. PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION)

WARNING!!! the rest of this post could be considered offensive if ur white or christian... so umm yea... u've been warned

white ppl.... are interesting? confusing, frustrating, irritating, and eye opening... coming from LA i never knew too many white kids... we weren't really "suburban" kids... we came from all different walks... different parts of the city... different races, ethnicities and beliefs, but in core ways... we had a lot of the same view points.. basically pretty HOMOGENOUS in our view points if not our skin color.... now im in a different homogenous society... and the only thing i share w/ the majority group is skin color... at least in general... its frustrating... i'm stubborn as hell and when i get my mind set its hard to change my views... and this place is founded on beliefs that i don't share... euro-centric, protestant, upper middle class white, and conservative... like i said... i only share the skin color. i didnt grow up in a "suburb" i guess tujunga is a suburb... sort of... maybe.... guess that one is open to debate... but anyways... so i don't share the beliefs of the majority of the people here and tolerance of diversity is NOT poly's strong point. i don't think i've ever had as many ideological debates as i've had here. it's interesting b/c i get to see other view points but its frustrating for the same reason. i really dislike the "suburan life style" by that i mean the apathetic, intolerant close minded attitude... its sooo goddamn frustrating. obviously i don't kno everything, so i shouldn't criticize others but they really get under my skin. these lil rich kids who never had to work a day in their life, never had to deal w/ any economic problems, and are completely self-interested. i HATE that. i just wanna smack them upside the head and tell them to WAKE UP!! there is so much more to life than that. i guess i can extend this criticism to a whole lot more people than white suburban kids but thats wut i'm surrounded by at this point in time so they're wuts ticking me off.... such wilful ignorance. of course they don't care about poor people, they're not poor. of course they don't care about civil rights. they are granted those by skin color, myself included. they don't have to worry about being discriminated againist, hated on, the focus of racial violence. they don't have to worry about living in dirty, unsafe apartments or wondering where their next meal is coming from.

is that a bad thing? is it bad to be materially wealthy? not in and of itself. its just this attitude of invinciblility and snobbish arrogance than i feel all the time. everytime i rock my adidas jacket w/ a beanie i get looks and occasional negative comments. these stupid close minded people are the reason white ppl have such a bad rap. they're the reason that it is difficult to bridge the "racial gap" and i hate them for it

oh my god... i fucking HATE christians. my school is chock full of bible thumping, self interested assholes who like to spend their time trying to either A) convert me, B) bitch about anything and everything that doesn't fit they're narrow minded beliefs or C) tell me i'm going to hell cuz i dont buy into their bullshit

sound a bit angry? i am... i'm just fed up, completely 100% fed up w/ these self-righteous bastards who think they're better than everyone else and are so arrogantly condescending. i HATE it. whenever anyone makes any religious reference, i shudder. they are so goddamn ignorant that it baffles me that they would even open their mouths. oh yea, and those of u who are like... uhhh maureen... ur CATHOLIC thats CHRISTIAN... lemme tell u some of the enlightening things that i've learned from these fucking "christians"

-catholicism is NOT a christian religion
-catholicism is the devils religion
-catholics are bad
-anything to do w/ catholicism is bad
-anyone who has anything to do w/ catholicism is bad

anyone seeing a pattern here? now i'm not even THAT catholic.. i dont go to church, i don't think about religious things... come to think of it... i don't even really BELIEVE any of the christian religion... not on a personal level at least... but i constantly have to defend this religion from these ignorant assholes and its fucking ANNOYING!

i've gotten to the point where i almost want to say i'm atheist because all of this religious bullshit is pissing me off to no end... i believed in God... i think... i don't kno anymore... i really don't... i just want to not have this shit in my face all the time... i just want them to leave me alone... so i guess for now i'm atheist? i would say agnostic but the thought of religion is just so foul that i don't even want to say that. so for now... i spose i'm atheist.


i'm honestly sorry if i have offended anyone.. thats not my goal but i needed to get all of this poison out of me and this is a good way to do it... and i did warn u too so umm yea...

anyways if this is the last time u hear from me.... I LOVE YOU!!!

u were hit with this at 2:56 PM


{Monday, November 17, 2003 . }

on the moody side of the scale tonite...

mari came to visit me!!! :-D majorly tight!! thanks mari!! ur the best!!!!!!

so yea we had good times but like the dumbass that i am... it ended badly....

so her train left this morning at 6:45 am.... my suitemate chelsea drove us down to the amtrak station... i had underestimated the time we needed to get there.... so just as we pull up the train leaves... mari missed her train cuz I'M a dumbass!!! :'( so she ended up getting on the greyhound and getting back to r-side waaaaaaaaay later than she should have... :'( so yea... was no good... no good... SORRY MARI!!!!!!

but yea besides that it was waaaaaaaaaaaaay tight!!!!!!

argh... moooooody!!!!!!!!!!!! :"-( gads!!! i'm such a pansy!!! hahahahahaha oh well... just gotta keep going... got a philosophy midterm on thursday... yea that shore aint helpin my mood... oh weyell... its all good rite? im getting wut i'm paying for... bwahahaha.... ::bastards:: oh well... so i'm coming home for thanksgiving... who else is???? maybe immac reunion? who knows... we'll see how that goes... so umm yea... i need to go study... so i'll talk to all u cool kids later!

if this is the last time u hear from me.... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u were hit with this at 9:07 PM


{Friday, November 14, 2003 . }

nope.... can't say it yet.... it would kill it... and once i had said it it wouldn't be true anymore... :-/ oh well... i'll make sense one of these days!!

ur daily dose of sylvana the great and maureen the infamous

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: my cousin got married last weekend
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: and she was SUPPOSED to get married in a BARN

BabyRoseSRG: lol
BabyRoseSRG: hahah

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: "jack stone's barn"

BabyRoseSRG: yeah i remember

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: which apparently doesn't have a ceiling
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: and it was supposed to rain that weekend
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: soooo
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: they had to move the wedding to

BabyRoseSRG: lol

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: a

BabyRoseSRG: lol hahahahhahaha

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: yea
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo:yeaaaaa
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: and she rode into the reception on a tractor
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: and they played the song "she thinks my tractor's sexy"
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: a part of my heart died when i heard this

BabyRoseSRG: omg
BabyRoseSRG: this is too good to be true

well............ if this is the last time u hear from me... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

u were hit with this at 4:02 PM


{Sunday, November 09, 2003 . }

ugh... lost my keys... sad mofo at da moment... :'-( ()#$(*)#(*)#($)#($*(#$ oh well... it'll work out for the best ::knock on wood::

otherwise having a ggggrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaattttt tony-the-tiger style weekend..... belinda is up here!! muahahahaha... she surprised keith!!! and the surprise WORKED!! mauahahahahaha... high five belinda!!! good job peeejon!! :-D saw matrix last nite... i'm still not sure whether or not i liked it... but yea... them went out to dinner w/ belinda, keith and his friends... haha... they're funny!! so yea had a fun dinner... drove back to stenner... it was raining... get back to my building... realize i dont have my keys... search keith's car... can't find them... panic has started to set in but im fighting it... so ima just call around to the places we was chillin at and hope they turn up... :'-( but yea... thats that

if this is the last time u hear from me I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u were hit with this at 9:01 AM


{Thursday, November 06, 2003 . }

so i haven't really updated yall about my (oh so cool) life up hurr in SLO... so lets do that

im loving it and i'm kickin ass.... :-D u kno all that motivation i DIDNT have in high school? yall wouldnt even reconize me now! studious like no other... i dont really like any of my classes that much which kinda sucks but still... im kickin ass!!! im having a whole grip of fun this year... which is SO awesome... im really loving SLO, not necessarily everything about it... but enough to keep it fun....

having a blast.... chilling, partying, hanging w/ all these crazy kids... trying to be A LOT more open to different ways of life this time around... i realized i was so intent on being "open" that i was actually closing out ppl that weren't as "open" as i was... how ironic is that?! haha... as of now i am making a genuine attempt to try to understand the conservatism that i see around me... i haven't managed to understand it... but i got some time... it still makes no sense to me but i might as well figure it out before i dislike it...

where i live
oh yea... holding it down in stenner glen yet again!!! oh snap!!! im in a suite w/ all first years which is cool... they're way awesome kids and im enjoying it a lot... its interesting to watch how different ppl are becoming close to different ppl.... just watching ppl get to kno eachother better and seeing where they all fit in... its really interesting to watch it... i really like my room and my suite... so u guys need to come visit me!!! its pimpin and i just feel so happy its almost unnerving... just the sheer amount of optimism and contentness i feel... its COMPLETELY out of character... hahaha... but hey... im definitely enjoying this so i hope it stays around for a while...

random thing
so im just chattin online doing my thing when i get an IM from someone i dont kno.... it turns out that its a girl i went from kindergarten thru 8th grade w/.... and i haven't talked to her since.... so after five and a half YEARS we start talking again... how COOL is that? just returnin to some of my roots... (thanks jackie for giving her my sn!) its definitely trippy but cool at the same time

intriguing sight
my school has a very large, good architecture program... one of the things they do is make displays around campus of different kind of things.... artistic, industrial etc. the architects try to make displays that will have some sort of impact... and we've just had the first one of the season which i have to say is UNBELIEVABLY amazing for its political commentary... and the level of controversy that it is causing on this conservative campus... the display is on one of the quads... three HUGE missiles... (obviously not real ones) they're in a triangle and they look like theyve been shot into the ground... thats intereesting enough but it gets better... there is writing on all of them... the first says FATHER... second says SON... third says HOLY SPIRIT... now this confused me as they were putting christian dogma on MISSILES until i looked closer... the missile that said FATHER also said "property of george h.w. bush"... the missile that said SON said "property of george w. bush" and the missile that said HOLY SPIRIT said "property of the christian coalition" just for review... i go to an EXTREMELY conservative school... not much diversity in any sense... racially, ethnically, socioeconomically, politically etc. and tolerance isn't exactly SLO's strong point... practically everyone is a republican bible thumper... so u just gotta IMAGINE wut a display like this would have on my campus.... its pissing a whole lot of ppl off.... and i think its AWESOME... the criticism of bush and his use of the christian religion to support this war... that must have taken a helluva lot of courage to do sh*t like that here.... so whoever that was... i applaud u... standing ovation even... thats awesome... just for challenging wut people think... its awesome... so me gusta mucho!

other sh*t
haven't talked to too many of my immacers recently... :-( so drop me a line so i kno how errybuddy is doing.... i feel disconnected from everyone... so lemme kno wuts going on w/ all of u guys...

being on such a religious campus has made me think about my faith (or lack of)... its intriguing... im going thru a spiritual transition right now and its both confusing and interesting...

well guys... thats about all i can think of as of now... soooo if this is the last time u hear from me... I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

song of the day

I used to walk around like
Nothing could happen to me
Life is a gamble so I
Should live life more carefully
But all I know is that I
Control my own destiny
I used to look at others
Instead of me blaming me

Don't ask yourself why
Just look to the sky
Believe that soon you'll see the other side

I know
That through all the struggle
There's a bright road

At the end of the tunnel
Now you should know
Whatever your dilemma may be
You'll learn
Life is worth it
Watch the tables turn

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Whenever you feel troubled
With problems coming your way
Don't ever get discouraged
There's always a better day

We all don't know the answers
Believe and trust when I say
That havin' faith is always
The way to make things okay

Don't ask yourself why
Just look to the sky
Believe that soon you'll see the other side

I know
That through all the struggle
There's a bright road
At the end of the tunnel
Now you should know
Whatever your dilemma may be
You'll learn
Life is worth it
Watch the tables turn

That's right

You've had your ups and downs but
It happened for a reason

Cause after April showers
There will come a change of season
So please don't give up now cuz
The sun's shinin' through the clouds
It's gonna be alright
I know

I know
That through all the struggle
There's a bright road
At the end of the tunnel
Now you should know
Whatever your dilemma may be
You'll learn
Life is worth it
Watch the tables turn

I know
That through all the struggle
There's a bright road
At the end of the tunnel
Now you should know
Whatever your dilemma may be
You'll learn
Life is worth it
Watch the tables turn

Watch the tables turn
(Watch the tables turn)
Watch the tables turn
(Watch the tables turn)
Watch the tables turn
(Watch the tables turn)
Watch the tables turn
(Watch the tables turn)

u were hit with this at 3:44 PM


{Sunday, November 02, 2003 . }


spent the weekend in SANTA BARBARA!!!! omfg.... GOOD SHIT!!! yesyesyesyesyes

i realized something a couple days ago.... i'm happy.... just totally content and at peace with my life... i have no idea why... but this is one awesome feeling.... :-D im a happy mofo... so yea... thats all for now

if this is the last time u hear from me.... I LOVE YOU!!!!!

u were hit with this at 6:24 PM


Cost of the War in Iraq
(JavaScript Error)
"I believe I deserve my enemies, but I don't believe I truly deserved my friends"
Walt Whitman

"The problem is ... how to remain whole in the midst of the distractions of life; how to remain balanced, no matter what centrifugal forces tend to pull one off center; how to remain strong no matter what shocks come in at the periphery and tend to crack the hub of the wheel."
Anne Lindbergh

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Ghandi

"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."
Martin Luther King jr.

"I know it seem hard sometimes but uhh
Remember one thing
Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that
So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out
Keep your head up, and handle it"
Tupac "Me Against the World"

"i want something good to die for to make it beautiful to live"
Queens of the Stone Age "Go With The Flow"

"And every time I try to be
What someone has thought of me
So caught up, I wasn't able to acheive
But deep in my heart the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to find my own destiny"
Lauryn Hill "The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill"

"Sometimes I might get a little crazy
And sometimes I might seem
Out of hand but I'm sayin
Life's too short for me to let you dictate
What I say and the moves I make
Sick of people tryna tell me what to do
It's my life and I'ma live it like I want to"
TLC "My Life"

"I feel like an angel
With my broken wings
So I can soar again
Lord let me in
Baby through all the passion the pain and the hurt
I feel like I'm fallin, yeah"
Mary J. Blige "Rainy Days"

"Lord I don't cry no more
Don't look to the sky no more
Have mercy on me
Have mercy on my soul
Somewhere my heart turned cold"
50 Cent "Many Men (Wish Death)"

"Inside I was a child
That could not mend a broken wing
Outside I looked for a way
To teach my heart to sing
And I'll remember the love that you gave me
Now that I'm standing on my own
I'll remember the way that you changed me"
Madonna "I'll Remember" (1 - 100)

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