{Friday, January 31, 2003 . }

your fuck.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


u were hit with this at 8:36 AM


{Monday, January 27, 2003 . }

The Point System
so the other day i was bored and ppl were getting a lil snappy so to get them back in line i put them on the point system... i put this guy matt and this girl sharlene on the traditional number system... this other girl traci is on letters... keith is on different amounts of questions marks (cuz of his massive confusion) grace is an exclamation point, an asterisk and sometimes a question mark.... these 2 guys otman and leon... are on hieroglyphics cuz i seriously couldn't think of anything else... so the point tally as of right now is:

Matt: 3 points
Sharlene : 0 points (up from -50)

Traci: F-U-C-K Y-O-U B-I-T-CH

Keith: ?????????????

Grace: !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!!*!*!??!?!

(Leon and Otman can't be shown cuz they're hieroglyphics)

anyways... sharlene is incredibly intense about getting points... this weekend i docked her off cuz she had this whack ass away message while she was trying to tell me it was some child hood literature sh*t... so as she was walking by my room i told her if she put some dr. seuss she would get major points... before the sentence was finished... she BOLTED! to her room (it really is NEVER that serious) but yes.. this is the conversation that followed...

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: hey

Auto response from SharStar84: 1 fish, 2 fish, blue fish...Dr. Sues is AWESOME!

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: its
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: kRikEy!
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: but u get 5 points for running
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: and 5 for the away message ONCE its fixed
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: that is all
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: hey
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: chop chop
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: times a wastin
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: im gettin a lil upset over here

Auto response from SharStar84: 1 fish, 2 fish, blue fish...Dr. Suess is AWESOME!

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: good job
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: alrite
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: that is all
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: correction
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: its S-E-U-S-S
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: jaysus!
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: grace figured it out
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: get on top of things
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: good job
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: that is all

u were hit with this at 9:29 PM

What Is Your True Aura Colour?

brought to you by Quizilla

What box do you get put in?

brought to you by Quizilla

u were hit with this at 8:49 PM

Jennifer's Silly Quote of the Day

jennifer: it's funny! LAUGH!! hahahahaha!

maureen: hahahahahahaahahahahahaha

u were hit with this at 7:32 PM

Keith's Random Comments Part II

keith: (darth vader voice) MAUREEN.... YOU... ARE.... MY.... MOTHER!

u were hit with this at 12:48 AM


{Sunday, January 26, 2003 . }



u were hit with this at 10:52 AM


{Saturday, January 25, 2003 . }

Keith's Random Comments

keith:"chop, chop mate"


keith:"first i was talkin to my mom on the phone... then my dad... then my uncle... then my cousin's brother"

maureen: wait... isn't ur cousin's brother ALSO ur cousin?

keith: oh yea huh


keith: my baby, my baby!!!!

u were hit with this at 7:13 PM

Ghetto Files

traci: "yea... my mom's first husband bought a goat so that it could eat the weeds so that they didn't have to buy a lawnmower... well actually... her husband stole a goat... well actually... he got some gangsters to steal it for him..."

*sigh* i don't e'en kno... thats some ghetto bullsh*t if i ever seen it!

u were hit with this at 4:34 PM

kRikEy... so its finally the weekend... time where i wish i could relax and take a breather... but unfortunately i have 3 midterms this week, a rough draft to a term paper due, and a term paper due the week after... which means that this mofo will be studying throughout the weekend... *sigh*... its my friend traci's birthday this week so a grip of ppl want to go to the grad (a local club) to celebrate... however... being as i don't particularly care for dancing in the first place... don't like to get dressed up... AND have a lot of homework... i think i'll be passing... they're also going bowling tomorrow which i hope i'll be able to go to.... but grades come first i guess... *sigh*... its wierd... now that i've actually started trying i want to push myself even harder... kind of a snowball effect... but in a good direction... i have three midterms this week all of which i kno i can get an A in... i have been working hard and i'm going to be working hard this weekend.... i am a little nervous because... i never really tried in high school... didn't really need to... and i did just fine... i tried to do that here... and got a strong kick in the ass by the name of Academic Probation... now i'm taking classes that i enjoy and that i kno i can do well at... but at the same time i'm afraid that even if i try hard... i won't do as well as i want to... and that will be more of a self-esteem bruiser than anything else... but oh well.. i guess if you don't try how do you kno you can't do it? but at the same time... what if u think you can do it... and you're content with the knowledge that if you really tried... you could achieve it... and then you do try... and you don't achieve it... where does that leave you? i don't kno but i have to study... cuz i dont want the answer to that question... alrite... i'm out

u were hit with this at 12:25 PM


{Friday, January 24, 2003 . }



u were hit with this at 9:22 AM


{Thursday, January 23, 2003 . }

well another week of school is coming to an end... 30% of this quarter is done with... scary huh? well next week i have THREE midterms... even scarier... this week has been... interesting... i guess i've been slacking off this week... i dont kno... it was just one of those weeks... for some reason i've just been in an off mood... i think i can attribute this to some of my classes...

*vent about the world at large*
three of my classes deal with current events... not to say that i was incredibly ignorant about the world at large... but i definetly wasn't as educated as i should be... i have watched videos recently on homeless people in mexico city, starving children in north korea and the impending "iraq attack" i'd have to say these videos were more eye-opening then i thought they would be... on top of the videos i have been reading the books for my classes and becoming more educated about the world at large... i'd have to say the more i learn, the less i like america... or to put it more accurately... "i'm all for america, f*ck the government" - eminem ... especially in the iraq issue... doesn't it strike anyone else as strange that literally EVERY other country in the WORLD (excluding the british) thinks that a war with iraq is a bad idea.. on top of that... WHY exactly are we going to war with iraq? the U.N. inspectors haven't found ANY proof of nuclear weapons... not to say that they don't have other sorts of weapons.. i.e. chemical and biological... however saddam hussein is not stupid... theres absolutely NO chance he would use these types of weapons against the U.S. UNLESS he was cornered... why? because we would nuke his 3rd world country right off the map and he knows that... the real problem at the moment is NOT iraq... instead it is the u.s. government specifically our war-crazy "president" bush... does anyone else find it ironic that bush jr. is going after the same guy that his dad couldn't quite get rid of? that maybe this entire war is a personal family vendetta instead of any type of legitimate reason?

also, president bush just gave russia 675 billion dollars (quoted from my international relations professor) to find rogue nuclear missiles... while that is all well and good... it sure would be nice if the AMERICAN government could help out one of its states... CALIFORNIA... as we experience the worst budget deficit in HISTORY (approx. 35 billion dollars)... at my state run school Cal Poly San Luis Obispo... they have to make between 3%-15% cuts in expenditures for next year.... this means that there will be massive overcrowding... less classes... fewer teachers... fewer resources... and less education as a whole... using the phrase "the children are our future" does anyone else find it disconcerting that we're spending BILLIONS on a pointless confrontation with iraq (killing AMERICAN youth) and cutting funding from schooling... on top of that the governor of California (Gray Davis) has proposed cuts in practically every part of the budget EXCEPT the prison system... you kno... maybe if we spent more money on schooling and job opportunities... people wouldn't have to resort to crime to survive... which would in turn reduce the crime rate... and help society as i whole... i don't kno... maybe that's just an idealistic 18 year old's view... but sometimes i think if everyone was a little more idealistic, we'd be a lot better off...

another scary piece of information is that the draft might be reinstituted... i look around at my classes and see all of these young men... a step ahead of boyhood... and the thought of them sent half way around the world to fight a pointless war is scary to me... i have 2 brothers... one is 20 and the other is 17... i can't imagine thinking about them going to war...

on top of that... after watching the videos about the state of the world as a whole... i'd have to say i feel guilty to be american... i see all of these people who go through incredible suffering on a global level... and i complain about my issues... i complain about the type of food they serve in the cafeteria or how slow my internet connection is... or how hard it is to get into certain classes... or how few minutes i have on my cell phone... and i can't help but feel extremely spoiled and selfish for this... i look at my clothes and wonder how many children were working for 25 cents an hour to make them... i dont kno... i just have a guilty conscience right now... *sigh*
*end of rant on world at large*

on top of that... the course load itself is weighing me down... i have more work than i would believe is possible... but i guess to quote my government teacher... "the body can do ten times more than what the mind thinks it can do" so thats something... anyways... i just feel a little down and alone right now... for no particular reason... i haven't really had time to talk to any of my friends and its been hard... i have to study and i have to pull my grades up... i don't have a choice so it comes down to sacrificing other things in order to achieve the ultimate goal... so as for now... i can't really do much of anything except study, study and study

in other news i think that i'm becoming meaner... i love to joke and have fun but i'm pretty positive that at times i'm taking it too far... i don't mean to and my intentions are never to hurt someone's feelings... but i'm pretty sure that i do sometimes... and then i just feel like this complete jackass for not being able to realize that words hurt... no one has told me that the stuff i say is hurtful... this is more of a suspicion than a fact but it is something that i really want to work on... so yes... i guess thats my main issue with my personality at the moment... i don't think that the people here understand me or where i'm coming from... i think i'm majorly misinterpreted... its frustrating but i guess thats just because they've only seen certain aspects of my personality so its understandable they wouldn't kno me that well... i suppose its just part of being in a new environment... oh well... i am happy here... but these are just the little frustrations that i've been encountering and i want to get them out of my system... so i hope i didn't bring anyone down with my issues... i hope everyone is doing well... despite my ranting... i am doing very well and by and large am having a very good time here... i hope everyone else is... alrite... i have more work to do and i just needed to get this stuff my chest... and i'm out...

u were hit with this at 6:57 PM


{Sunday, January 19, 2003 . }

YouR DaiLy DoSe oF SyLvaNa aNd MauReeN!

BabyRoseSRG: my sisters an idiot

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: hahaha
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: which one

BabyRoseSRG: orianna

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: oh no
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: y?

BabyRoseSRG: she changed my away message
BabyRoseSRG: did u see it

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: it said u were on vacation

BabyRoseSRG: yeah she changed it

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: to wut?

BabyRoseSRG: to
BabyRoseSRG: my name is saldana, i like to call myself the pirana, but really im just a weirdo


BabyRoseSRG: that aint funny!

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: thats hilarious

BabyRoseSRG: no it aint!

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: shoo


uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: u would think it was funny if it wasn't about u

BabyRoseSRG: no i wouldnt!
BabyRoseSRG: i totally hate u
BabyRoseSRG: shut ure face!

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: shooo
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: someone is a LIL on the defensive side!
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: shoo

BabyRoseSRG: whose lil?

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: shoo
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: U ARE!

BabyRoseSRG: she a new friend

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: LIL

BabyRoseSRG: i actually know someone by that name
BabyRoseSRG: not the saldana pirana part

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: hahahahaha
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: damn
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: that would be pretty cool tho

BabyRoseSRG: a little freaky
BabyRoseSRG: yo i gots to go
BabyRoseSRG: ttyl
BabyRoseSRG: lata losa

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: shoo
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: later liliana saldana the pirana

BabyRoseSRG: peace out

and that is your daily dose of sylvana and maureen... hahahahaha.... hope u enjoyed!!

u were hit with this at 10:08 AM


{Saturday, January 18, 2003 . }

kRikEy! so i had an experience last nite which was both extremely unsettling and thought provoking...

it was around 1 30am and i had been asleep... then i started to have a nightmare... for those of you who don't kno... i get the most graphic, disturbing nightmares... they are unbelievably horrible... anyways... so i started having a nightmare about my whole family getting killed... this freaked the sh*t outta me and i woke up shaking... now as most of u kno... my relationship with my family (mainly parents) is well... strained... on the good days... but this dream seemed so real that i picked up my cell and called my sisters cell just to check up on her... but her cell was off... which proceeded to freak me out even more and i just sat there for about five minutes when i decided to just call my house phone and hang up if someone answered it... so i called my house phone... shaking... (it was a REALLY bad nightmare) my mom answered groggily and i quickly hung up the phone slightly more relaxed because well... they were still alive ... so anyways... i woke up today around 9... bummed around for a while and then i just couldn't handle it anymore and i called my house again... just to make sure... my lil brother picked up... we talked for a little bit and then i talked to my dad for a while... this calmed me down some more... then i got off the phone with my dad and called my sister's cell phone... we had a lil chat and it was nice.... then i did some other stuff and took a nap around 3.... at around 4:30 my mom called... we don't have caller i.d. so there is no way she could have known that i was the one who called... so she called and told me that there had been a strange fone call and that she had just had this feeling that it had been me trying to reach her... she got really worried cuz she thought that i was in trouble... and around 4 she couldn't take it anymore and called me... so we talked for a while... like actually talked... in an adult conversation... (first time for everything i suppose) and then i got off the phone and just sat thinking about this whole wierd event...

i guess being away from home is actually helping me to appreciate my parents and my family... i never thought i would do that... not to say that all my issues have just disappeared in these few months of college... but time apart has really helped me to get some closure... to forgive... to just breathe in peace... so i'd have to say that for the first time in a very long time... i actually think that i could at some point have a decent relationship with my parents... which is a huge weight off my shoulders... all of that anger and hurt that i have felt these past years.. and finally a chance for reconciliation... its nice... its a sense of peace i don't think i have experienced in a very long time...

so anyways... thats my weird and thought provoking experience...

in other news...
traci and i helped keith move into his new room... his roommate seems like a nice guy... woohoo!!! i think i strained a muscle in my arm and keith hurt his ankle... kRikEy! we're going to see a movie in a little bit so i guess i'm out!!

u were hit with this at 6:29 PM


{Friday, January 17, 2003 . }

well i just finished classes for the day... i only had one... american and california government... the teacher is a little out there but i like the class more and more each time i go to it... he's one of those teachers that stand out... just because he's different and ignores the status quo... this class makes me think about things in ways i would have never thought i would... so i'd have to say that i'm really really glad i am in this class

its wierd... the more time i spend at poly... the more i like it.... the more it feels like home and the more i'd rather be here than anywhere else... i guess thats college for u... i mean i hated this place with a passion this summer and now a mere quarter later i'm really happy that i came here... so whooo hooo for poly!

i'm changing from being a chem major to being a political science major... i'm taking a grip of political and sociological classes this quarter and its really interesting to me... so yea...

well now that i've actually decided to do my work... it seems like the more i do... the more i have... i dunno wut the hell kinda sh*t that is... but oh well... thats college for ya... kRikEy... well being as its friday i'm going to go see wut kind of (sober) trouble i can get myself into ;-) ... ok... i'm out

u were hit with this at 4:47 PM


{Thursday, January 16, 2003 . }

sXi bA8e: awww mo i miss ya
sXi bA8e: xP

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: yea i miss u too
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: i dont have any chingoos here

sXi bA8e: awww booooo urns!

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: i mean i have friends
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: but none of my korean ppl
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: i'm losing my asian ness!

sXi bA8e: OH NO!
sXi bA8e: and ur korean speakin skills
sXi bA8e: xP
sXi bA8e: thats nOT GOOD

uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: yea!!
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: i can only say like
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: fuck u
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: and crazy bitch
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: and thank you
uHHoHH iTz sLoMo: and wut the hell kinda sentence is that gonna make???

sXi bA8e: ahahahahahahahahahahaha

u were hit with this at 9:56 PM

ok here we go again... well haven't done too much blogging for the past month or so... my bad! haha.... well my template was being snatchy so i ended up having to start an entirely new account to deal w/ the problem... kRikEy! so i got too lazy to do anything so i just haven't blogged... haha... oh well...

anyways... my christmas break was one of the best ever... seriously... i had a truly amazing time and it was SO great to see all my immacers and other ppl that i got the chance to chill with.... so yea... it was very very good times so *happy face* for me...

well i started school about 2 weeks ago... i'm taking some really interesting classes this quarter which have already had a large impact on me and how i vew things... isn't that wut college is about? haha... so anyways... this new quarter has been really really fun so far... i actually went to church!!! haha.... i went last sunday and i had a really good time so i think i'm going to continue going.... i'm also volunteering at a homeless shelter all nite this sunday so i hope it will be a good experience... in other news... ummm... haha... don't have any other news!!! haha...

oh yea... keith is moving into my building... hahahahahahahhaa.... that is gonna be hilarious!!!! haha...

well on that note... ima head on out.... cuz i got a grip of work to do and i need good grades this quarter... hope everyone is doing well.... and i'm out!

u were hit with this at 4:45 PM

testing... testing... 1... 2.... ummm 12

u were hit with this at 4:28 PM


Cost of the War in Iraq
(JavaScript Error)
"I believe I deserve my enemies, but I don't believe I truly deserved my friends"
Walt Whitman

"The problem is ... how to remain whole in the midst of the distractions of life; how to remain balanced, no matter what centrifugal forces tend to pull one off center; how to remain strong no matter what shocks come in at the periphery and tend to crack the hub of the wheel."
Anne Lindbergh

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Ghandi

"If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live."
Martin Luther King jr.

"I know it seem hard sometimes but uhh
Remember one thing
Through every dark night, there's a bright day after that
So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out
Keep your head up, and handle it"
Tupac "Me Against the World"

"i want something good to die for to make it beautiful to live"
Queens of the Stone Age "Go With The Flow"

"And every time I try to be
What someone has thought of me
So caught up, I wasn't able to acheive
But deep in my heart the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to find my own destiny"
Lauryn Hill "The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill"

"Sometimes I might get a little crazy
And sometimes I might seem
Out of hand but I'm sayin
Life's too short for me to let you dictate
What I say and the moves I make
Sick of people tryna tell me what to do
It's my life and I'ma live it like I want to"
TLC "My Life"

"I feel like an angel
With my broken wings
So I can soar again
Lord let me in
Baby through all the passion the pain and the hurt
I feel like I'm fallin, yeah"
Mary J. Blige "Rainy Days"

"Lord I don't cry no more
Don't look to the sky no more
Have mercy on me
Have mercy on my soul
Somewhere my heart turned cold"
50 Cent "Many Men (Wish Death)"

"Inside I was a child
That could not mend a broken wing
Outside I looked for a way
To teach my heart to sing
And I'll remember the love that you gave me
Now that I'm standing on my own
I'll remember the way that you changed me"
Madonna "I'll Remember" (1 - 100)

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